Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Intelligent Autonomous Systems lab
Darmstadt, Germany
Name : Pr. Jan Peters, Dr. Georgia Chalvatzaki
Project : Chiron
Description : The Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) institute of Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUDA) is considered one of the
strongest robot learning groups in Europe with expertise ranging from the development of novel machine learning methods (e.g. novel
reinforcement learning approaches, policy search, imitation learning, regression approaches, etc.) over semi-autonomy of intelligent
systems (e.g. shared control, interaction primitives, human-collaboration during manufacturing) to fully autonomous robotics (e.g.
robot learning architectures, motor skill representation acquisition & refinement, grasping, manipulation, tactile sensing, nonlinear
control, operational space control, robot table tennis, legged locomotion) and to the design of biomimetic motor control systems and
brain-robot interfaces. IAS members are well-known researchers in two major areas of AI, i.e., both in the machine learning and the
robotics community.
Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan
Name : Pr. Yasuhisa Hasegawa
Project : Chiron
Description : The NU group focuses on fundamental and applied studies of robotics and AI technologies for advanced human assistance
and augmentation. Such intelligent human-centered technologies have recently been developed as understanding human
neuroscience composed of motor control, learning, and adaptation as well as robotic and informatic progress. Our research
contributes toward the human-computer cooperative system expected to be a solution to social problems caused by the aging
population. Based on robotic and AI approaches, we address to develop intuitive user interfaces, efficient wearable/non-wearable
assistive robots, and embodied teleoperation systems from the viewpoints of human science composed of physiology,
neurophysiology, biomechanics, and kinesiology. We aim to improve the physical capability of everyone regardless of their
functionality and to reconstruct human welfare society by utilizing and developing our technologies.
Idiap Research Institute
Martigny, Switzerland
Name : Dr. Sylvain Calinon, Dr. André Anjos, Dr. Sébastien Marcel, M. Martin Toussard
Project : Learn-Real
Description : Idiap is an independent, nonprofit research foundation affiliated with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Its activities encompass basic research, training (graduate and post-graduate level), and technology transfer activities in the area of Artificial Intelligence for Society including, among others, human-computer interaction, perceptual and cognitive systems, robotics, natural language processing and understanding, biometric person recognition, biosignal processing, multimodal information interfaces, applied artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale machine learning.
Italian Institute of Technology
Gènes, Italie
Name : Dr. Fei Chen
Project : Learn Real
Description : IIT is leading the main research and experiment tool development in WP2 “3D graphics engine simulator” and WP4 “Toolset for the acquisition of manipulation data from demonstration”, and is supporting Idiap and ECL in terms of management, case study, dissemination in the rest WPs.
St-Etienne, France
Name : Hervé Henry, Jean-Louis Deparis
Projects : Fair Wastes, LabCom Arès, FUI PIKAFLEX
Description : Siléane’s speciality is the automation of human gestures in any given situation with a view to improving productivity within industrial, environmental, or food industry applications. Siléane gives you a choice: A collection of standard, turnkey, and fully customisable solutions (Rovaldy, Flowpick, and Kamido), or a highly imaginative ‘grey matter zone’ (outsourcing your R&D department).
New York State University Stony Brook
New York, USA
Name : Prof. Dimitris Samaras and Prof. David Xianfeng GU
Project : 4D Vision
Ecole Centrale de Paris
Paris, France
Name : Prof. Nikos Paragios
Project : 4D Vision
University of Houston
Houston, USA
Name : Prof. Ioannis Kakadiaris
Project : 4D Vision
University of Surrey
Surrey, United Kingdom
Name : Dr. Krystian Mikolajczyk, Dr. Fei Yan
Project : ViSen
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
Barcelona, Spain
Name : Dr. Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Project : ViSen
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Name : Prof. Robert Gaizauskas, Dr. Paul Clough
Project : ViSen
Beihang University
Beijing, China
Name : Prof. Yunhong Wang
Project : 3D Face Analyzer
North China University of Technology
Beijing, China
Name : Prof. Yiding Wang
Project : 3D Face Analyzer
LIFL lab, University Lille 1
Lille, France
Name : Prof. Mohamed Daoudi
Project : 3D Face Analyzer
Orange (France Telecom)
Project : PHENIX SSA
Project : PHENIX SSA
China Central Television (CCTV)
Project : PHENIX SSA
China Broadcast Networks (CBN)
Project : PHENIX SSA
China Radio International (CRI)
Project : PHENIX SSA
Paris, France
Name : Dr. Kévin Bailly, Dr. Mohamed Chétouani
Project : Jemime
University of Nice
Nice, France
Name : Dr. Sylvie Serret
Project : Jemime
Genious group
Project : Jemime
IDEMIA (Morpho)
Project : Biofence
Grenoble, France
Name : Prof. Alice Caplier
Project : Biofence
Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Sud Paris
Paris, France
Name : Prof. Bernadette Dorizzi, Dr. Yaneck Gottesman
Project : Biofence
Localisation: Grenoble, France
Name : Assia Tria, Jean-François Mainguet
Project : Biofence
Lille, France
Name : Prof. Jean-Jacques Lavenue, Dr. Bruno Villalba, Dr. Gaylord Hamerel
Project : Biofence
Biot, France
Name : Prof. Bernard Mérialdo, Prof. Jean-Luc Dugelay
Project : VideoSense, FAR3D
LIG laboratory, University Joseph Fourrier Grenoble 1
Grenoble, France
Name : Pr. Georges Quenot, Dr. Gilles Serasset, Prof. Christian Boitet
Project : VideoSense, OMNIA
LIF laboratory
Marseille, France
Name : Dr. Stéphane Ayache
Project : VideoSense
Project : VideoSense
IMT Lille
Lille, France
Name : Prof. Mohamed Daoudi, Pr. Boulbaba Ben Amor
Project : FAR3D
Project : FAR3D
Xerox Research Centre Europe
Project : OMNIA
Paris, France
Name : Prof. Xavier Rodet
Project : MusicDiscover
LTCI, Telecom Paris
Paris, France
Name : Prof. Gaël Richard
Project : MusicDiscover